Amazon: #GetTheYes

Increasing sign-ups for Amazon’s Teen Account



Strategy Lead

Creative Campaign
Eco-system Planning
Creative Optimization
In 2018, Amazon launched their ‘Teen Login’ - allowing teens to independently shop and get their purchases approved  with a quick text message from their parent’s account.

We were asked to increase its reach and sign-up rate with a global creative campaign using the ‘Back to School’ period as a strategic moment. #GetTheYes allowed teens to advertise their back-to-school needs in fun and creative ways - creating new conversation topics with their parents rather than excluding them from them. 

We built an interactive platform where kids could select products and turn them into convincing messages - getting a ‘Yes’ from their parents in return. The campaign was then executed as multi-channel campaign with tailored creatives for both parents and teens, resulting in a 49% conversion lift in sign-ups.